Upgrade Firmware Nokia N73 To Nokia N73 Music Edition
If you already own the Nokia N73, you can update the firmware to the Music Edition by using the Nokia Software Update with a little trick. Retailers are just receiving the Nokia N73 Music Edition as this how-to is published, but you do not have to buy the new Nokia N73 Music Edition to take advantage of the new features. Read on to find out how to update the firmware.
Before you decide to update your Nokia N73 to the Music Edition, know that this may void your warranty and you run the risk of breaking your phone. Is it worth taking the risk? Find out first what to expect in the new Nokia N73 Music Edition:
1. Idle Screen with new clock.
2. New Main Menu Music Icon.

4. New Music Player with Album Art.
5. Music Player audio settings (Stereo widening is super cool!!!)

7. Music Player Visualization - Spectrum
8. Firmware Version: 3.0638.0.0.30
Now that you’ve seen how the Nokia N73 Music Edition differs from the standard Nokia N73, do you still want to do it? If so, this is how to update the firmware:
Download and install: Nemesis Service Suite and the latest Nokia Software Update.
- Connect your phone and wait for Windows to install the drivers.
- Open Nemesis Service Suite and click “Scan for new device” on the right-upper part of the window
- Click on the icon “Phone info”
- Click on “Scan”
- Change the product code to 0539343 and mark the case “Enable”.
- Press “Write”, and your phone’s product code will be changed (you might think that nothing happened, because the phone is still in normal mode, and the changing of the product code only takes a couple of seconds, but don’t worry, the product code changed !).
- Close Nemesis Service Suite and run the Nokia Software Update.
- Make sure not to touch the cable or the phone while your phone is updating or else you will break it!
- That’s it! When you restart your phone, it should now be the Nokia N73 Music Edition.
Say that you choose to change the product code to something else and then Nokia later decide to take the current product code away from NSU since they notice many people are changing this code….what will you do then if your phone goes dead?
You can no longer update the phone via NSU and if you turn to a Nokia servicepoint they will notice that your product code in the phone is different compare to the one on the label on the backside of the phone…this means that they most probably will deny to give you service since you have done something with the phone that isn´t allowed.
Next step, by a new phone !
I would say, very risky.
I found this list to update to what u want U cant go back to the earlier version without Flushing.
This is the EMEA version of the regular N73:
0527009 Euro 1
0529568 France
0529569 Alps
0529602 Euro 2
0529603 Turkey
0529604 South Africa
0529605 Scandanavia
0529606 Baltains
0529607 Russia
0529608 Ukraine
0529609 Bulgaria
0529780 Hungary
0529781 Balkans
0529782 Greece/Cypurs
0529784 Lebanon
0529785 Gulf
0529786 Israel
0529790 Euro 1
0529792 Euro 2
0529793 Turkey
0529794 Balkans
0529795 Ukraine
0529796 Greece/Cypurs
0529797 Bulgaria
0529799 Hungary
0529801 Romania
0529803 Gulf
0529804 Baltains
0529805 France
0529806 Alps
0529807 South Africa
0529809 Scandanavia
0529810 Lebanon
0529811 Russia
0537287 Belarus
0537288 Belarus
0540567 Euro 1
0540575 Gulf
And these are the EMEA version of the N73 Music Edition:
0537289 Euro 1
0539193 France
0539207 Alps
0539239 Euro 2
0539256 Turkey
0539265 South Africa
0539269 Scandanavia
0539278 Baltains
0539279 Russia
0539284 Ukraine
0539285 Bulgaria
0539289 Hungary
0539291 Balkans
0539293 Greece/Cypurs
0539294 Lebanon
0539295 Gulf
0539298 Israel
0539299 Romania
0539341 Belarus
Couple of tips :
1) Ensure that your phone is in general profile
2) DONOT touch the phone/cable while update is going on
3) Keep the charger plugged in all the time
4) Take a backup of all the data
5) Do the backup on either on Saturday or Sunday night . This is because in case it becomes a brick u can go down to Mobile repair shop and get it reflashed :).
6) In case the update failed.. KEEP RETRYING..
7) If something is not working properly after the update do an update again.