Attack of the Androids

Google’s game plan
The mobile operating system is open source but developed Google. Google has invested a lot in the platform with seemingly little apparent returns. It makes you wonder what Google’s game plan is, since it is the biggest investor in Android. Well the answer is simple. We’re going to call it the Google integration scheme. The idea is to get Android to as many users as possible, thereby creating an ecosystem where many of the company’s services, right from search to maps to mail will be seamlessly delivered to consumers. Remember, these devices have tight integration with Google’s services. From this point on the backbone and revenue generator of all Google’s activities kicks in - advertising. A strong foothold in the mobile advertising market is what Google will obviously look for, since the industry is expected to be at $10 billion by 2013, according to a study by Heavy Reading Research.
What are the challenges?
Form factors, which itself is an advantage for Android, in some ways could be it’s biggest downfall. A similar problem is faced by Windows Mobile as well. The trouble is that since there are many variations in hardware, the software needs to be developed for the lowest hardware specification unlike Blackberry or iPhone whose software is built specifically for the phone. Then there is the issue of keeping control over the developer community, and still making it worth their while. The developer community is quite averse to too much control so there needs to be a fine balance. Some reports suggest that the developer community is already irked with having to work with a software that needs to support so many diverse hardware specs. Now that Windows Mobile 6.5 has its Marketplace software delivery mechanism, in the future we may see a system of certifying applications. So will Google succeed? Whichever way the cookie crumbles, this space is going to be interesting to keep an eye on especially with players LG and Motorola coming out with their own Android phones soon.