Turbo Charge Your Regular Firmware Phones

Your old firmware phone giving you too much trouble? Tired of waiting for it to respond when you simply push a button? Well it's time to end these petty annoyances once and for all. Follow these tips and you will have your firmware phone running as good as new.
Update to the latest firmware
The first thing you must do is get your phone on to the latest version of the operating system. Many a time, this is something ignored by most and hence miss out on important updates such as optimizations in memory usage and management. Updating to the latest firmware is pretty much a seamless experience these days with the software suite that comes bundled on a CD with your phone. Don't have the CD? Even better! Download the latest version of the software suite from the phone manufacturer's site and install it on your computer.
The update will involve you backing up your phone first, followed by the download and installation of the firmware operating system on your phone. Something else you must bear in mind when performing the update is to keep your phone battery charged because a dead battery in the middle of your update can spell disaster for your device rendering it into a useless paperweight.
Delete what you don't need
SMS: Yes, we all love to hold on to wonderful memories with our significant other by storing each and every "Gnite" message they send us. Grow up! Doing so is only adding to the redundant storage on your already under-capacity device. Instead, why not use the software suite for your phone to back up all your SMS messages (forwards, romantic sonnets and all) on to your PC. This way you can keep your inbox free of clutter and keep it zippy!
Useless applications: Many firmware phones like the ones running the Nokia S60 operating system have the ability to install third party applications. These applications, though handy when you first installed them are now just sitting on your phone hogging unnecessary space. What's more, there is the possibility that the applications will also slow down your startup time due to unnecessary calls to said applications. It's time to throw out all the junk.
Memory card: Quick tip, if you are not using the full memory provided by your memory card, then replacing it with a smaller capacity memory card will reduce the time required for your phone to index the card's content and will speed up access time to the data on the card itself. Other than that, we recommend you either browse the contents of your memory card on your computer (using the cable or a memory card reader) or on the phone itself and browse the directories one by one to remove any old files you left on there that are just hogging unnecessary space. This could be ringtones, photos or Bluetooth file transfers that you have accumulated over the lifespan of your device.
Make it a habit
The updating and cleaning up of your phone is something you must slot into your monthly agenda if you want to keep it running in optimal condition. It may be a tedious process the first time you do it, but thereafter it's a simple process that will probably take only a half hour of your precious time. So while the upgrade to your newest phone is still in the pipeline, why not make your current phone's user experience a pleasant one?
We stumbled upon this interesting post on a forum and thought as absurd as it sounds; it's definitely worth a shot. It's a speed up trick that apparently works on Nokia S60 phones and the people that tried it swear by it.