Choosing the Right iPad : Upgrading to 'The New iPad'

- Size (16GB, 32GB, 64GB)
- Network support 4G+Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi only
- Color Black or White
1. Size
This can be easily settled once you are sure about the main usage of your iPad.- For browsing, emailing and occasional reading of eBooks, listening to music and a few applications 16GB would be enough
- For browsing, emailing, reading eBooks (not very frequent), storing music and a storing few videos and applications, better to go for 32GB
- Browsing, emailing, reading lots of eBooks, storing plenty of books, music, videos and applications, you should go for 64GB which itself may be less for you.
- Apart from browsing, emailing you want to carry your collection of movies and music and plenty of applications. It is better to invest in a 64GB and invest in a Seagate GoFlex 500GB Satellite Wireless storage Access for carrying your entire collection of music and lots of movies.
2. 4G or Wi-Fi
Currently we have only 3G data network support in India and 4G is expected to be launched by end of this year, Dec 2012.If you are a frequent traveler and carry only iPad and do not want to carry laptop, it is better to go for a 4G/3G iPad. If you carry Laptop too then Mi-Fi router with Wi-Fi iPad is a better choice, since you can connect all devices. Please remember to buy 3G SIM from separate carriers for your Mi-Fi router and your smart phone since you cannot expect one carrier to provide 3G coverage all over the country. If you travel very rarely then go with Wi-Fi iPad and enable tethering / Personal Hotspot in your smart phone. If you do not have a smart phone it is better to get one before getting an iPad, it does not matter which one (iPhone/ Android Phone/ Windows 7 or Nokia Lumia).
Hope the following matrix will help you in decision. You will be saving almost Rs. 7K if you go for a Wi-Fi only iPad.
PH: Usage of on Personal
Hotspot in Smart Phone recommended
Mi-Fi : Usage of Mi-Fi is
3. Black or white
Once you have decided about the size and network capabilities the choice is boiled down to the choice of color, black or white. You know that white is Apple’s iconic color. The rear side of iPad is aluminum and the color of bezel only comes in white or black. It may appear to be more of a personal taste but from my experience I feel there are some advantages in opting for Black.- Black bezel has the ability to merge with the background better compared white. It means black is less distracting and screen will be of prime focus. You will be less distracted and can be totally immersed in the content. Have you seen any TV with white bezel?
- Some of the early White iPad suffers from leaking backlit. It is a minor issue but still you can’t miss it.
- Over all display in black iPad looks brighter and stand out with the same brightness settings. I have a white iPad 2 (did not have a choice, last piece) and a black iPad and any day black iPad’s screen looks more gorgeous.
Do I need to Upgrade to new iPad?
Case 1: I have an iPad 2
If you have an iPad 2 you will be faced with the dilemma whether to upgrade. It depends; the main difference is its retina display and better camera. Another major advantage of new iPad, LTE is not supported in India. You may not be using the iPad camera very often. So it boils down to higher display resolution, 264ppi vs. 132 ppi, exactly double. If you spend lot of time with iPad, especially reading books or browsing the net an upgrade is recommended. But the importance of higher resolution is purely personal.I cannot stand SD pictures / distorted pictures with incorrect aspect ratio in an HD TV where as I have seen many are watching it comfortably. Those people are a challenge to engineers who toils day and night to make this World better. And if it happens to an engineer, it is better to do a soul searching: “Am I become an engineer by accident, not by choice”.
Case 2: I have an original iPad.
It is a more straight forward decision. If you are an avid iPad user get one new iPad straight away. There are too many improvements in every aspect of iPad in the new version and the fact that you did not succumb to the pressure of getting a new one when iPad 2 is released itself is a reason to treat yourself with a new iPad.If you are not using iPad daily but rather occasionally and it hardly excites you, it is better to give your iPad away to somebody who will be thrilled with it. By doing so you have a better change to squeeze a seat in heaven.