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The Evolution of Digital Security [InfoGraphic]

Although the first encryption algorithms were developed in ancient Rome, digital security only had little more than half a century to develop. During these 50 years, however, we have walked a very long path thanks to the people who worked hard to push information security forward, despite the lack of proper credit and compensations for their work.

One such people is Phil Zimmermann, who was very vocal in his criticism of the government for trying to restrict people's privacy. He developed the famous encryption technology PGP (Preaty-Good-Privacy), which was considered to be such an effective encryption technology that the U.S. government tried to sue Zimmerman for letting everybody it. With PGP in the public commons, it threatens the strategic advantage of U.S. government's surveillance programs.

Another key person in the development of digital security is Whitfield Diffie, whose methods for exchanging of cartographic keys became a foundation for numerous future inventions.

The task of building a secure communication environment was never that easy, but thanks to all the great people who developed cyber security, it is now possible. At present, security tools are at the level that most of the time renders brute force attacks ineffective. So, to get unauthorized access to sensitive data, hackers are using methods that are aimed not at the encryption itself, but rather at the implementation of security systems. Ciphers like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) / Rijndael, or Twofish have not yet been cracked. It would take too much computing power, which is not possible for hackers to get with today's technology. That is why complex communication systems became so popular.

The advantages of systems built according to the concept of a secure communication environment are:
  1. Unified security compliance standards throughout all communication channels.
  2. A user has all communication tools inside of an encrypted space, so he doesn't need to use unsafe services.
  3. Cloud based and multi-platform
  4. All user data are encrypted end-to-end
  5. No data are stored on a user's devices.