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Most Fascinating Future Technological Projects

The 21st century is a prolific period for advanced technological projects.

Mobile phones morphed into pocket personal computers. Internet connection unites professionals all over the world. Machine learning and virtual reality monopolized the entertainment world. Modern medical equipment helps patients recover from, previously, incurable diseases. This list can be continued with hundreds of new inventions that already exist. But what innovations wait for people in the future?

Inventions Coming Before 2100

Mary Hampton, a private essay writer, notes that writing about technological progress is one of the most popular intentions of scholars today. So let us note some of the most interesting inventions that are in the modeling stage of development right now.

The first innovation that comes to mind is the creation of floating cities by Oceanix City. It is well known that the seacoasts would drown if the Arctic ice caps melted. Oceanix City became the best solution for the relocation of peoples. This decision was supported by the UN. But as BBC.com stated, the project faced a lack of funding and psychological issues of seclusion facing people on such a floating island. Scientists believe people will change their minds within 20 years and start putting their money into this project.

Another cool invention that can be realized in the future is flying cars. Yes, futurists predicted this innovation for many years, but some companies like Terrafugia have already made a breakthrough in this area. The company plans to sell Terrafugia Transition flying car this year. The approximate price for this flying miracle reaches $279 000. Customers should wait for lowered prices a bit.

The third prediction of the 20th-century futurists also came true. More and more companies provide space tourism services. Of course, it still costs $250,000, but the price is falling. Virgin Galactic Orbit, SpaceX, and Blue Origin are the most popular companies that sell tickets for space tourists. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Blue Origin, hopes to make flights possible this year.

The fourth unusual prediction for the future lies in weather control. Business Insider reported that scientists are racing to develop technologies that will actually change the weather. The preliminary test helped to increase clouding and snowfall by 5-15% in Wyoming. Moreover, the European company, Oliver’s Travels, offers its clients to prevent rain by cloud-bursting just for $100,000.

The fifth innovation is a prolonged life-span. According to Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor, it could be possible thanks to DNA and robotic engineering before 2030 comes. He did not mention the price of immortality now, but people can wait, it is not a problem.

Future is Closer Than We Think: Devices that are Already Being Developed.

Elon Musk supported the idea of long envisioned ways to travel at high speeds through low-pressure tubes for a while. Hyperloop is going to speed up to 170 m/s. The inventor started working on Hyperloop since 2012. Now engineers work on laying the path for this train all over the world. Hyperloop One is still in the investment stage, but they already raised more than $295 million at this time.

Another crazy idea that is already developed is dousing flames with low-frequency sound waves. A device for this first appeared in 2015 but has not spread across the globe yet. According to Physicsworld.com, the tool was created by two engineering students in the US. They tested it as a non-destructive method of fire control, which can douse small fires at home. The device development costs $600 only.

One more incredible innovation is a Carbon dioxide catcher. Bill Gates shared with Technologyreview.com that the Catcher has to become a world-changing device. Carbon Engineering company plans to ramp up the production of synthetic fuels, using the captured carbon dioxide as a critical ingredient.

Final Takeaway

Summing up, humanity lives in a high-tech world. Looking at future predictions makes people believe that scientists will continue technological development and invent many more breathtaking devices. In a certain sense, it gives us to optimize, even if the technologies are not as grand as new modes of transportation.

Author Bio: Michelle Brooks loves to read, write, listen to music and use words to persuade people. She has worked her way towards being the team leader of content managers. She uses words as weapons, so keep an eye out for her powerful articles. Her Twitter: @michellebrook23