Whether you are familiar with Assassins Creed series or not, your would still love the third installment of the game. Its not only briefs you of the events which took place in the past iterations but also adds on to the dramatics. For those who are unaware about the series. The Brotherhood is a third-person action adventure game which will take you to the world of Romans. The plot is set in medieval Rome (14-15th Century) and the city has beautiful graphical representation.

The game picks up right from the point where the second installment ended. Desmond Miles is back as the main protagonist-the assassin you get to play in this edition. His memory and blood-line capably took him to the earlier centuries. The game starts slow with a couple of tutorial stages. But after a few levels it becomes a exciting adventure. Like the preceding versions, you can run free across the city, climb on walls, leap from roofs, swing from ropes and more.

You should master the free running technique. Else you will find yourself sprawled on the streets in the front of the baddies most of the time. The graphics and game play have become better. New aspects such as kicking and single shot kills add to the fun. Moreover, in this edition you need not always be on your feet. You can whistle and horse is champing nearby to take you from one destination to the other.
Check out the footage video below :
There is a reason behind this installment being called The Brotherhood. Its is because you can now recruit assassins. In the long single-play mission you save many innocent lives that can be recruited. You can then call for them on your missions. They will jump out of carts, haystack and buildings to skillfully take down enemies.

An extensive online mode has also been added to the game. AC does not come across as an online game. But the multi-player modes are fun to play. Only thing is lag, which could be a problem with the low broadband speeds here. In all, The Brotherhood is fun game to play which engages the player as the story moves along.

DEAL OR NO DEAL ?If you loved the previous versions this is what you need to buy next.