Win BMW 3 Series with BitDefender
You can win BMW 3 Series by participating in a sweepstakes contest !!!
BitDefender, the provider of internet security solutions, has announced the launch of its “Enjoy the Ride” Facebook campaign, aimed at raising awareness of BitDefender’s efforts to protect users of the social network. The campaign, will run for 14 weeks, and offers a range of competitions and weekly giveaways, with prizes such as laptops and smartphones and culminates in the chance to win a new BMW 3 Series.Fantastic gadgets such as iPhones or iPads are given away at the end of each week to complete a great 'line-up' of prizes.
The campaign is called 'Enjoy the ride' and can be accessed through BitDefender’s facebook page.
There are few more weeks to go. If you sign up now you can still win that BMW 3 Series we know you would love to get your hands on. And that’s not all! With few more weeks to the finish line BitDefender assures us there are still plenty of gadgets to be won.

It’s easy! Sign in, gather enough votes for the weekly prizes, and win the BMW at the end. For more info check out the contest’s official Facebook page.
BitDefender is waiting for you. Hop in and enjoy the ride! Best of Luck and Happy Driving :)