Upgrade to Windows 8 from Pirated / Genuine Windows for INR 699 / $14.99
Update : Microsoft now allows you to Add Windows Media Center to Windows 8 Pro for free. To get Media Center for free, just click here.
The much awaited Windows 8 has finally hit the stores and it doesn't disappoint, the OS is smoother, better and more stable. We covered the review of Windows 8 earlier.

Coming to the main part - the pricing of Windows 8. Microsoft has shown aggressive pricing strategy this time, in order to make people shift from other Windows and OSs to Windows 8 and also allowing customer to switch from pirated copied to genuine copies for a nominal price.
Officially the upgrade price is INR 2000 in India, however if you have purchased a copy of Windows 7 or got a laptop / computer pre-installed with Windows 7 after June 2nd 2012, you are entitled to get the same upgrade for just INR 699. Please note all versions of Windows 7 or earlier would upgrade to Windows 8 Pro.
Now here is a catch, a loophole which might be intentional from the side of Microsoft, anyone can avail the offer to upgrade for INR 699.
The process is same for both pirated and genuine system, however please note that Microsoft may block your key if upgraded from pirated copy, however the chances of the same are less than a percent. Anyway, it is better to pay the full price of OS which would be near INR 11K approx.
- Navigate to WindowsUpgradeOffer page
- Choose your country as India.
- Click on Continue
- Enter the details as asked.
- While providing the date of purchase, provide any date after June 2nd 2012, no check is placed to verify the same. Fill rest of the fields as required.
- Click on continue.
- Just in few seconds, you will receive an email with your promo code and a link to download the Upgrade Assistance.
- Download the upgrade assistance and run the same.
- Once you reach the page which has order button, click the order button and give the details asked with your credit card info.
- The last page would ask you to enter the promotion code, punch in the promotion code you recived earlier via email. Once you click apply the price would reduce to INR 699.
- The software will download the OS and you are ready to go.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only, as most information is found on various part of Internet.