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EaseUS Todo Backup : Backup Your Data Easily

Have you backed-up your data? I don’t think so, like most of the people you will realize the importance of backing up the data only when it is lost or corrupted. Only after it is lost you put in all your efforts to somehow get it back. Now lets have some reality check over backing-up of the data as well as your plan of action towards it.

Types Of Backup

Let’s have a look at the types of back-up. There are many types of backup that you can do with Todo Backup but first you need to analyze your requirements and then leap onto your perfect category.

File & Folder Backup

It comes under simplest form of data backup which takes care of your data by making a copy of it. This is feasible when your data, files and documents, are having utmost importance over OS or the applications installed on it. The size of the backup depends on you as it is the size of the documents you want to backup. Once the backup is taken there is an option of incremental backup which allows to backuop your files once they are modified. This utilizes time and space aon your disk while giving you the latest copy of your saved document.

Partition & Drive Backup

If your system is your primary work machine, this is the best partition for you as it backs up your whole Operating system with all the applications and data so that in case of any emergency the entire system could be restored to its latest state. Since this back’s-up your entire drive and partition it takes ample amount of space in your system and grows with time and usage of your system although you can always compress your backup.

Back Android Devices and Clone Disk / Partitions

The Easeus Todo Backup does both of the above methods effortlessly while allowing you to make a bootable restore CD or USB stick. In addition, the new version has the option to backup and restore you Android Device also. You can also clone a complete partition or a disk. One thing to be taken care of is even if you can take a backup over a shared network drive you cannot restore from there.In order to have a restoration point you must backup your data in some physical device like a USB stick or a drive.

Automated, No Effort Backups

Backup is something which must be on priority list but some tools allows backup only when you will do it . So, let me give you a reality check that you back up your data only once, when you install your software then nobody opens up the application again. Hence an automated back-up system is a key to an efficient backup- tool which Easeus Todo Backup provides.

To see how the software really performs, I decided to do a full system backup of my Windows machine. The whole system is only about 10GB as it’s primarily for work. To test the restore capabilities, I’ll delete a bunch of random critical Windows files to simulate a system error, then change the drive, and attempt to restore from the backup using a bootable CD made using the Easeus software.

How it works?

To have a sneak peek into the backup software I performed a backup myself on a 10GB disk partition
Steps to be followed
  1. Go to Backup->Disk and Partition backup
  2. Give the backup a name under 'Plan Name'
  3. Choose the drive you want to backup ( In my case it is the main Windows drive as I choose to backup my whole system)
  4. Chose the destination drive (F: USB stick in my case)
  5. You can customize the process using the Backup Options.
  6. Click on proceed and the backup would start as shown below.

The backup took around 10 minutes to be completed and to my surprise the backed up file was only 4.2 GB. To restore, as soon as I reconnected the USB to my system it automatically detected the backed-up drive and gave me an option to restore it.


Easeus Todo is a free backup software and one of the best solutions for your Windows system to be carefree of your data. It is free as well as comes with a price with added functionalities. If you have a back-up tool or not I would recommend you to install it and get a feel of it and you will be accustomed to it. There are full guides available on the website for each and every backup operation you might want.

Please enlighten other for the need of back and share your experiences over here once you become Easeus’ user.