2019 Social Image Cheat Sheet
We all are on social media, and as people of blogger fraternity, or even small or large businesses, we are well aware of the nuances of forever changing image sizes and formats. In the quest for a solution to ever changing image sizes and formats we stumbled upon a cheat sheet for upcoming year.
This is a quick fix for all the issues that we face with images which can directly impact our branding, personal profiles as well as business. This cheat sheet has the solution to optimize such issues and keep our brand image at utmost prominence.
“The 2018 Social Media Image Sizes Guide” very neatly explains what should be the best image sizes and types according to social networks. We were going through the sheet for 2018 and were thrilled to see the mention of every major social media platform. The cheat sheet for 2019 is updated with two new very popular platforms, the WeChat and Weibo.
In the graphic, you can easily see the specific dimensions required and some very insightful tips. These quick suggestions are designed to help us decide what photo to be used on which social media platform. The recommendations include upload size, minimum pixels, image resolution, square or rectangular picture, how much will the image be scaled down after uploading etc.
Not only it lists down the requirements for photos but also the necessities for video uploads such as the required aspect ratio. Adding to it, the cheat sheet has answers to questions like what must be the dimensions for a video to be qualified as a high definition clip. These are very important tips, as they save time and maintain the quality of the content you have been uploading to your website.
We find this graphic extremely useful and thought to share with our readers.

Source: MakeAWebsiteHub.com
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