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The Dark Webinar: 5 Mistakes to Avoid Making with Your Online Event

Online events have skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years, especially since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. As with all new things, it is only natural that people may have made missteps when hosting virtual events to begin with. 

To help stop you from making the same slip-ups, here are 5 common mistakes of online events, and how to avoid them.  

1. Failure to practice 

If you are speaking at the event, make sure to thoroughly rehearse your presentation. If you have never done an online event before, it is also useful to allow for additional time to get used to the new format and technology. 

Before the event goes live, it is also a good idea to have a trial run of the whole event. This will allow you to spot any areas of improvement or potential errors so you can iron them out before the official event begins. 

2. Assuming that it will be the same as an in-person event

Online events are an entirely different experience than in-person events, so don’t try and force them to be. There are things that do not translate from in-person events to online events, and vice versa. Treat the event as an opportunity to try new things, tailoring the content to the mode of delivery.  

3. Using the wrong platform 

When planning your event, it is essential to do your research into the different platforms available to you. The platform that you opt for will depend on what you need from the software. At its most basic, the platform must be able to live stream audio and visual media without significant buffering or time lags.

In addition to this, the platform must suit the type of event you are hosting. For example, if you are hosting a webinar, make sure that the platform you choose has the features that you need to support a seamless, productive online seminar. This might include additional features such as breakout rooms, Q&A hosting, live chat, analytics, and screen switching. 

4. Not choosing the right speakers 

Take a great deal of care when choosing the featured speakers for your event. The speakers must be experts in their field, and be well-known enough in their industry to draw a crowd. However, stay clear of people who turn informative talks into a personal marketing opportunity - after all, no one likes an unexpected, pushy sales pitch. 

5. Hosting the event at the wrong time

It goes without saying that some people are less likely to concentrate at certain times of the day, especially if it is at the crack of dawn or last thing before bed. 

One study has pinpointed the most productive time of the day. Scientists from Monash University in Australia and University of Granada in Spain cite that the hours following 1.30pm are when we are most productive

Therefore, you might consider hosting your event in the middle of the day, with a short break for lunch. This allows you to catch people when they are most alert, and thus more likely to take in and remember the information you are aiming to get across. 

With these tips in mind, you will be able to avoid making these common mistakes with your online event, making for a seamlessly productive session for all.