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The Top 4 Link Building Tips for 2015

Almost everyone knows that acquiring backlinks is vital if you want to improve your website’s search engine position. However in order to do this, you need to have linkable content that will attract natural traffic to your website. Building backlinks naturally can take years depending on how well your brand is known, so many webmasters decide to build links manually. There are a number of ways to go about doing this, some of which will see your site penalised by the search engines. To avoid this happening, you need to make sure that you follow Google’s guidelines. Keep reading for a list of link building tips that are effective now.

1. Target the Correct Emails

Many link builders fail to send their outreach emails to correct recipients, which is the reason why they may find that they struggle to get a response. Often, emails are sent to addresses such as ‘info@domain.com’ or ‘sales@domain.com’, and no response is received. This is because these emails tend to be generic emails which webmasters don’t actually use for their work. In order to get good responses, it’s important to target the correct contact person, and get their email address. You should look for the manager of the site, the manager in charge of the blog, and anyone whose email is displayed for contact on the website.

2. Use Tools for Productivity

Prospecting links is a process that takes up the majority of time spent on link building, with almost half the time spent being taken up by finding various link targets and filtering through to find the highest quality websites. For this reason, you might want to consider using tools like Mozbar and Link Clump to help minimise the time you spend. You could also consider hiring the services of a link building company such as Click Intelligence in order to improve efficiency.

3. Create Low-Budget, Interesting Content

There is no requirement to be a multi-million dollar business or even a very large company to be able to create linkable content on your site that works. All that’s needed is an interesting story regarding your brand, or content related to an industry topic that is currently trending and will attract a particular audience. A case study is an excellent example of this. If your company is delivering excellent customer service, you are likely to have positive stories about your customers. A post that lists the steps that your business took in order to improve the life of a specific customer is an example of a good case study to publish on your site.

4. Use Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics to create a report of your link building will allow you to keep track of your links. This will enable you to see which websites are providing you with the highest traffic numbers, which in turn can help you make improvements to the strategy that you use for guest blogging. It will also enable you to discover which sites are leading to conversions and which are worth pursuing in the future for further link building.

The link building industry is forever changing, but these tips should all help you in 2015.